The Control Zero series of flight controllers is our commitment to continuous improvement. Our goal with this series was to take every lesson learned from our 10+ years of flight controller design and make the best pro-consumer / commercial flight controller on the market. Our journey begins with this Zero; this is a no-compromises triple IMU commercial-grade flight controller. It includes 8x PWM outputs (DShot capable), 3x IMUs, 1x Magnetometer, 1x Barometric Pressure Sensor (Altimeter), 6x UART, and an SD Card, all packed into a 32mm x 20mm PCB. The PWMs are bidirectional, EMI protected, and level-shifted to 5V logic levels. All accessed through front and rear 30pin Molex PicoClasp connectors. A durable plastic case, conformal board coating, and optional temperature calibration included.

Currently Flying with Ardupilot & PX4


STM32H743 contains the Arm® Cortex®-M7 core (with double-precision floating-point unit). 480 MHz CPU

L1 cache (16 Kbytes of I-cache +16 Kbytes of D-cache) boosting execution performance from external memories

Bosch BMI088 3-axis accelerometer/gyroscope (internally vibration dampened)
Invensense ICM-20602 3-axis accelerometer/gyroscope
Invensense ICM-20948 3-axis accelerometer/gyroscope/magnetometer
Infineon DPS310 barometer (So smooth and NO more light sensitivity)

Spektrum DSM / DSM2 / DSM-X® Satellite compatible input and binding
Futaba S.BUS® & S.BUS2® compatible input
FRSky Telemetry port output
Graupner SUMD
Yuneec ST24
PPM sum input signal
8x PWM outputs (all DShot capable)
1x RSSI (PWM or voltage) input
6x UART (serial ports total), 3x with HW flow control, 1x FRSky Telemetry (D or X types), 1x Console and 1x GPS+I2C
1x I2C
1x SPI
1x CAN
1x JTAG (TC2030 Connector)
Ultra-low noise LDO voltage regulator
Tricolor LED

Uncased Product Weight and Dimensions:
Weight (Without case): 5.3g (.19 oz)
Weight (With AL case): 12.24g (.43 oz)
Width: 20mm (.79”)
Length: 32mm (1.26”)
Current Revision:
For more information please visit the documentation: 
The measurements below are shipping related:
Current Stock:
Usually Ships in 4 to 6 Weeks.
7.00 (in)
2.00 (in)
5.00 (in)
Harmonized Tariff Code: